Sunday, November 27, 2011

Out of my mind

GUYS!!! this might be very depressing for some of ya maybe all of ya but I'm sorry I was depressed for a little and felt bad so I wrote it on the paper; but I'm WAY better now I'm not depressed anymore :)
~ Out of my mind ~
I wish I had no feelings
I wish if I was bad
Cuz sensation is what makes us upset
And that's what I believe in
I wish if my tears can dry
I wish if my eyes can't cry
I wish to let my heart go
I won't even give him a goodbye
Why the good ones always suffer?!
And the bad once having what is better?!
Why if I'm successful there's sth that I have to loose?!
Though that there r others that have it all???
Family & success…is it too much what I'm asking for?!
But in the end I always say:
"maybe tomorrow will be better than today"
I'm not protesting…it's just that I'm not feeling fine
Too much misery and pain….that make me out of my mind

Mirna E.M

A better life for me

They told me she's gone……but I don't agree
I'm becoming gradually alone….oh poor me :'(
She was my oldest sister…a main part of my life
But she left me and go….I'm half alive
It's not the first time for me…to end up with a broken heart
But this time I was deeply hurt…this one was very hard
Bcuz I respected her with my heart…..and soul
And she was giving me…all what I asked her for
But this is the end of the tale…my sis is gone
I still hear her voice…and how she was always making some noise
I remember telling her… secrets
And how she deeply….she keeps 'em

I remember her beauty….and soul
I can't forget her… all
I can't forget what she has done…& can't forgive her on what she did
But my deadly loneliness…..when will it end?!

All what I need right now….is a family
People who really care….and love me
Am I asking too much?!
Is everybody right now so hursh?!
That's why I keep sticking to my dreams
Cuz I'm in so much misery…so all what I dream for
Is love and care….success and joy for real
All what I want is….a better life for me

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Big pain

I'm feeling a very big pain inside me, I just don't know what's next ot how I'll be but I'm sad...deadly sad :(
Big pain
It's a very big pain that won't be healed
I just can't earse that memory I'm not a machine
Shout, Yell, Curses and hit
It was really a great battle
I've tried but I couldn't stop it
I don't know what's the matter
The winter suddenly came
and it started badly to rain
and every time I close my eyes
I remember the pain
The warmth now is freezing
My heart is painfully bleeding
All the bad memories came again
I'm lost and without a plain
For me this is the end of the world
I'm a lost wounded girl
The situation is unbelievable
And next is unpredictable
It's a very big pain that won't be healed
Mirna El Mahedee

I'll forget

Whenever you're hurt, rise up again and throw it behind your back!!
I'll forget it!!
I'm wounded deeply
What did u do to me?
I don't know what to do
I'm lost without you
now life is harsh
darkness without a torche
I just wanted to be free
But u couldn't get me
So now it's time to go
I have to forget yo
I won't regret saying goodbye
But maybe in the beginning I'll cry
I'll just throw it behind my back
The cut will heal and that's a fact
Maybe after a month or after a year
I'll forget and I'll be okay
Trust me I'll forget how I used to feel
I'll forget every single day
Mirna El Mahedee

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The real life

This is something that I wrote when I was very mad X(

The real life

I'm a famous gorgeous girl…..loved from everyone

I sing, enjoy and dance……...I laugh and I run

Once I'm exhausted….people gives me a break

I love all of my faithful friends…and none of them is fake

My family is understanding and calm…we
never had a fight

I go to fancy parties with expensive
dresses…I'm always bright

Hahaha, weak up princess it's just a
dream…none of that is right

Life isn't that pink…it's so very tough

Don't pretend to be happy… I don't
believe that stuff

Friends aren't faithful….Love isn't

And people are always confused…they
don't know what to do

Money, fame, success….nothing comes for

Joy, freedom, relief….r costly believe

Just don't lie to yourself…and admit itho…doesn't deserve

Don't be sad and don't cry…don't loose
your nerves

Don't trust anyone…just believe in you

And don't let anyone control…what you
like to do

Free yourself…from soul slavery and

Forget about everybody...and release
your soul

No one owns you…no not at all

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The dream

I'm a regular girl but with a dream; and I love saying that "dreams are like the stars, if you couldn't reach them they'll guide to a nice place."
Before reading this I want to thank the amazing writer Katie Van Camp, for being so supporting and helping me by her sweet words to make my dream comes true.

The dream

I know that one day....I'll be there
Because my dream will come true.....only where
People appreciate talent....and are also fair
Of course I'm talking about....the USA man!
the world is so isn't small
But it's not bigger than my not at all
As long as I'm working..and doing my best
I'll reach to it not slowly.....but very fast
But on the road I'll meet troubles...they're always there
But I'll get through them...because my god is in everywhere
He'll help when I'm right...and my road will be bright
But for those who don't believe in me.......I really don't care
Your looks were killing me......and your words I couldn't bear
But you can't break me.....even if you were harsh
Because pain really learns us...learns us too much
So here I am after a big success....saying thank you so much
And those who for me....have always been there
Thanks for making me......such a noble knight
Who's for her dream..........will be ready to struggle and fight
SO for to make your dream...become true
Self confidence and hard work...that's all what it takes from you
With some back up support....and also believe
I'm to totally sure that...the dream will be real

Mirna El Mahedee


Do you know....hope is the key of life and makes any dream comes true.
And hope is the perfect company on the way to your success.


After the dark nights...................................we see the sun
After the rain..........................the good weather will come
After the'll feel the warmth on your skin
And with the end of every love.........a new love begins
After a hard exhausting work........success will be here
After a big fight............the sweet making up words you'll hear you experience
And pain..........makes you cautious
But fear..............makes you hideous
And it plays.......with your emotions
In should trust
And in really must
After a'll win a price
And after misery........comes a good surprise
That on your face....will draw a smile
And forever......................will change your life
Do you understand what.....I want to say after all that
Look after hope.........because it's always in everywhere

Mirna El Mahedee

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The sweetest words!

For the people who doesn't believe in the sweet good lovely words and only believe in action.
I want to tell you that action is important but sometimes you'll need support, you would like to hear it; you would like to hear some kind beautiful words from the people that you love so believe…as important as actions are, as more important as words are because they left your soul up and cheer you up giving you the necessary energy to do all the actions that you want to do so there's something that I wrote for you guys who don’t believe in words.

The sweetest words

The sweetest words are…the words you've been waiting for
The sweetest words are…the words that u can't forget at all
The sweetest words are…the words that you needed to hear
The sweetest words are…the words that erase your tears
The sweetest words are…the words that came from the inside
The sweetest words…make you feel that you've have the happiness of the world wild
Maybe you didn't hear them yet….but you felt them before I bet
You can see it…in his glittering looks
When you cross the street…and he clasps your hands in fear
When you do something dangerous…and he yells in your face
When he cheers you…to take a move and face
The sweetest words…don't have to be said
It's enough to see them…in a smile, in a look
In a touch…and there and only you'll know that
Words are more valuable…..than you think
And living without it, will be like …..Writing an article with no Ink

Mirna El Mahedee

Same body not soul

Many kids have the same face of their parents.
Sometimes it's something that draw the smile on the both of their faces but sometimes when you have a father like mine and you look alike it really bothers you.
So…।if there's anyone who's just like me 'has the same case' here's something for you.

Same body not soul

I've his eyes…..I've his nose
But I've brain and knowledge…..I know more than he knows
I've his eyebrows…..I've his fingers
I didn't get his violent…..I don't have his temper
I've his lips…..I've his teeth
But I curse no one…..I'm not living to tease
I've his nails…I've his feet
I'm human…not a monster like him living to cheat
I've all what he has…..and that's hard
But I'm really glad…..that I don't have his heart.

Mirna El Mahedee