Sunday, September 4, 2011

Big pain

I'm feeling a very big pain inside me, I just don't know what's next ot how I'll be but I'm sad...deadly sad :(
Big pain
It's a very big pain that won't be healed
I just can't earse that memory I'm not a machine
Shout, Yell, Curses and hit
It was really a great battle
I've tried but I couldn't stop it
I don't know what's the matter
The winter suddenly came
and it started badly to rain
and every time I close my eyes
I remember the pain
The warmth now is freezing
My heart is painfully bleeding
All the bad memories came again
I'm lost and without a plain
For me this is the end of the world
I'm a lost wounded girl
The situation is unbelievable
And next is unpredictable
It's a very big pain that won't be healed
Mirna El Mahedee

I'll forget

Whenever you're hurt, rise up again and throw it behind your back!!
I'll forget it!!
I'm wounded deeply
What did u do to me?
I don't know what to do
I'm lost without you
now life is harsh
darkness without a torche
I just wanted to be free
But u couldn't get me
So now it's time to go
I have to forget yo
I won't regret saying goodbye
But maybe in the beginning I'll cry
I'll just throw it behind my back
The cut will heal and that's a fact
Maybe after a month or after a year
I'll forget and I'll be okay
Trust me I'll forget how I used to feel
I'll forget every single day
Mirna El Mahedee

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The real life

This is something that I wrote when I was very mad X(

The real life

I'm a famous gorgeous girl…..loved from everyone

I sing, enjoy and dance……...I laugh and I run

Once I'm exhausted….people gives me a break

I love all of my faithful friends…and none of them is fake

My family is understanding and calm…we
never had a fight

I go to fancy parties with expensive
dresses…I'm always bright

Hahaha, weak up princess it's just a
dream…none of that is right

Life isn't that pink…it's so very tough

Don't pretend to be happy… I don't
believe that stuff

Friends aren't faithful….Love isn't

And people are always confused…they
don't know what to do

Money, fame, success….nothing comes for

Joy, freedom, relief….r costly believe

Just don't lie to yourself…and admit itho…doesn't deserve

Don't be sad and don't cry…don't loose
your nerves

Don't trust anyone…just believe in you

And don't let anyone control…what you
like to do

Free yourself…from soul slavery and

Forget about everybody...and release
your soul

No one owns you…no not at all